  Tag Archives for artists

solo exhibition / catalogue release, Zagreb

A catalogue release of the solo exhibition “PRISUTNOST/PRESENCE, In dialogue – The Benko Horvat collection” Text: Martina Munivrana, Tanja Trška, Moon Martina Zelenika Curator: Martina Munivrana Exhibition production: Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb Photo credit (drawings x3): Damir Žižić Photos of the exhibition: Niko Goga Design & prepress: Martina Zelenika Publisher: Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb / […]

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Group Exhibition / Book Release, Berlin

Group Exhibition "Nothing's gonna change my world?" inc. book release from 13.08. till 05.09. 2021 at raumwww.de at gr_und, Berlin
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