  Tag Archives for Human Algorithm

big interview

CLOT magazine > Interdisciplinary artist MOON Martina Zelenika explores and creates art projects related to posthumanism which, according to her, “should pragmatically focus on the rediscovery of fundamental ethical values in the coexisting environment, regain and train new skills”. With a background in fine art and design, the main characteristic of MOON’s work is the […]

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solo exhibition

Muzej-Museo Lapidarium . History Museum in Novigrad, Croatia presenting a new project cycle Metaprogramming of The Human Algorithm, artwork La Petite Mort with Augmented Reality technology – mobile application MoTHA and a an artistic short video INTROVERSION. 15th May – 15th June 2020 More information soon http://www.muzej-lapidarium.hr/ https://www.facebook.com/MMLapidarium/

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solo exhibition

Art and Science expressed in Lines: Extended realities in Vienna Austria at Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory presenting a new project cycle Metaprogramming of The Human Algorithm, artwork La Petite Mort with Augmented Reality technology – mobile application MoTHA and a short video about RECEPTILIUM performance. 25th October – 1st November 2019 With this exhibition, and especially with La Petite Mort (Eng. small death), an artwork […]

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